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First and Last Meeting

We meet people unexpectedly but there is always something meant for every person we meet. My story also begins in such a meeting, the most unexpected one. Being a creative content maker it is usual that we drain our thoughts and ideas. For three months of continuous work my brain was so dry, I tried street foods, ice cream, music and even cinemas nothing healed my brain. So I decided to travel sometimes a solo travel could refresh ourselves. Though for my boss leave application was something very irritating thing like number 13, my leave application was successfully accepted may be he too felt that dry creation of my works. I packed my bags it was obvious that I will meet the mountains first because they are my all time peace maker. The bus is at 6 o clock and I have to wait in the hub for the next three hours. Books or Music I was confused on how to kill my time. I looked around different types of people different lifestyle and different expressions, all of them had their own reasons. I was sure an aunt who walk behind her husband is thinking about her household works. The couples in the bus are looking ahead of their life waiting for the conductor to ring the double bell.

 I saw a very simple boy over the right side of the hub, he came in an auto. I wish he could come and sit next to my seat, I know it is too cliche but I can wish for things they may or may not happen and nothing costs. My simple boy, it is okay to refer him like that because it happens only in my head!! Yea so my simple boy took his luggage and he was coming near to my seat oh my god how does my hair look is it good or messy, I should have worn that yellow t shirt my current one would make me look like a fat pale woman by the way where is my simple boy?? There he goes he sat next to my seat which is 3 meters apart. Why god? Why! Why aren’t you making my wishes come true? I looked at him and I saw a beautiful lady sitting next to him, so that’s why he chose that seat. Didn’t even know his name but I created a space for him in my head! But everyone do so nothing abnormal. Eventually I look at them once in every five minutes or more and I found out that she is acting crazy making funny expressions playing in her phone talking to him and they even bought tea from the stall. My simple boy he is not taking eye from her. I am upset without reason I know it’s silly but it only runs inside my head. Only a Chai can make me feel good and find other stories so I decided to go from my seat I walked in front of them but none of them noticed. Ginger tea is always good for heart break, well not so big heart break so let’s call it a scar. I took my ginger tea and sat on the seat next to the stall.
“Where are you going?” Someone asked me and that was my simple boy. I couldn’t believe my eyes I turned back, that girl is gone the seats are vacant. So yes this is real. “Hello are you looking for someone?”

“ No!! Actually no I am going to my home town.” Home town? No you are going to the mountains crawled my head yea I know but out of excitement hometown just slipped from my tongue. “Where is it?” He sipped his coffee and asked me “Kottayam, its Kottayam” I said. “Yea I have heard of it and visited Kumarakom two to three times also” he replid . I think he is a traveler his bag looked so freaking good and gave an impression of an all time traveler

“Where are you going?” I asked “to Varkala cliff, you know I love beaches so I just wanted to visit there it’s a long time wish” he said. He likes beach and I like mountains tastes are different wait why am I thinking too much!
“So you work here?”
“Yea in an advertising company and you?”
 “Responsibilities made me a techie but a passionate traveler” does he speak so much he is not a simple boy it seems a talkative one but what is he actually I haven’t meet any techies who get leaves to travel like he said.

“Hey! I work as a software engineer” I didn’t give him a chance to complete it seems “how do you get time to travel?”
“We need to find time for what we want no one else is going to give that to you” so my simple boy is a philosophical one but when our conversation continued with places we travelled, our job, food etc.. I just kept my head dramas into a corner and was only listening to our conversation.
 “Is that a Kottayam Bus? Yea it is come I will help you with the luggage” I wished I could get the courage to say that I’m not leaving to home town but I didn’t want to lose my first impression with him so I decided to change my plan. I get into the bus he said bye and walked away.

Bus was about to start he came down near my window seat and asked “Hey forget to ask something to you what’s your name? I heard the double bell the bus started moving, what are you waiting for say your name said my mind the bus is moving speak up
“Saraaaa… Sara Mariam Tony” I was loud enough I knew, I knew the whole hub and whole bus heard my name but that’s okay, WAIT what I don’t know his name. Why Sara Why?? Now how are you going to find him out? Probably this is the first and last meeting, sometimes people come unexpectedly to our life and spend some valuable and beautiful time with us, and finally they leave without mentioning their identity. If I could find him in this city once again the first thing I am going to ask is his name. Will I meet him?  Or why should I meet him again? That was a good conversation which can happen with any stranger nothing special, so this is fine and completely okay. Simple boy had a nice introduction and a perfect goodbye he does not even came to my dreams or thoughts.


  1. Dude this is something we can relate into the situation 😍


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