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Showing posts with the label short story

The Reading Revolution

  "Reading is not just a hobby; it's a passport to endless adventures and a roadmap to discovering our true passions." Once upon a time in a small town, there were three best friends named Rahul, Maya, and Aryan. They were typical teenagers, always engrossed in their social media accounts, scrolling through endless posts and stories. School was just a means to get through the day, and they hadn't given much thought to their future. One day, their school announced Reading Day, a special occasion dedicated to promoting the joy of reading. The announcement intrigued Rahul, Maya, and Aryan, but they couldn't fathom why reading would be important in their lives. However, they decided to give it a chance, thinking it might be a welcome break from their monotonous routines. The trio made their way to the school library, where they were met with rows of shelves adorned with books of various genres. With a hint of skepticism, they picked up a few books each and settled dow

First and Last Meeting

We meet people unexpectedly but there is always something meant for every person we meet. My story also begins in such a meeting, the most unexpected one. Being a creative content maker it is usual that we drain our thoughts and ideas. For three months of continuous work my brain was so dry, I tried street foods, ice cream, music and even cinemas nothing healed my brain. So I decided to travel sometimes a solo travel could refresh ourselves. Though for my boss leave application was something very irritating thing like number 13, my leave application was successfully accepted may be he too felt that dry creation of my works. I packed my bags it was obvious that I will meet the mountains first because they are my all time peace maker. The bus is at 6 o clock and I have to wait in the hub for the next three hours. Books or Music I was confused on how to kill my time. I looked around different types of people different lifestyle and different expressions, all of them had their own reaso

She to Herself

She sat in her sofa lost in thoughts "Aren't you coming" heard a voice from behind. "Get ready fast they are about to reach we shouldn't get late" that was the final call from her mother. She puts herself presentable with a fake smile on her face. She stood in front of the mirror "Where am I going. I'm not ready for this" "No, you should witness that, which is the only way to get out of this" "But I don't want to" "Why? You still?" " Yes!" " But then why didn't you? Everyone waited for your opinion" "How can I bring back those days " " You can't" " Yes I can't I've lost it" "Look up Look up, your family shouldn't know about this so no tears on cheeks" Paru usually has this habit of talking to herself, mirror is the best companion for instance A car came to take them to an auditorium "Hey Paru, how are you" &