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A Big Fat Wed


Once upon a time in the lively city of Thiruvananthapuram, a family found themselves embroiled in the chaotic whirlwind of planning their daughter's wedding.

Mrs. Shobha, the mother of the bride, was a self-proclaimed connoisseur of gold and expensive sarees. She always had a way of making everything about her love for luxury. One day, she dramatically exclaimed, "Oh, my dear husband, this wedding needs to be bigger and shinier than the sun itself! Let's make sure people need sunglasses to attend!"

Uncle Ramesh, known for his knack for persuading others to spend more, chimed in, "Absolutely, brother! This is an occasion of a lifetime. Let's make sure the bride arrives in a chariot made of pure gold, pulled by unicorns. Nothing less will do!" His exaggerated suggestions always left everyone in splits, but somehow, they also seemed to inspire Mr. Achuthan

As the family sat around a table, brainstorming wedding ideas, Uncle Ramesh enthusiastically proposed, "Why stop at a simple wedding? Let's have a pre-wedding ceremony marathon! We can start with the haldi ceremony, then move on to the sangeet, followed by the mehendi. Heck, we could even add a 'coconut breaking' ceremony just for fun!"

Mr. Achuthan, caught up in the excitement, exclaimed, "Yes, yes! Let's have a seven-day wedding extravaganza, complete with a red carpet and paparazzi! We shall be the talk of the town!"

His younger son, Ravi, rolled his eyes and sarcastically quipped, "Oh, yes, because what the world really needs is another Kardashian wedding. Maybe we can even have a reality TV crew follow us around, capturing all the melodrama!"

Amidst the laughter, Mrs. Shobha playfully responded, "Who needs a reality TV crew when we have our nosy neighbors? Let's give them something to gossip about! They'll need an extra dose of hot chai to keep up with our wedding antics!"

As the wedding preparations reached a fever pitch, Mr. Achuthan received a shocking bill from the wedding planner. His eyes widened in disbelief as he shouted, "Goodness gracious! Are they planning to send the Taj Mahal as a wedding gift? This is madness!"

Uncle Ramesh, always the optimist, chuckled nervously. "Well, brother, looks like we'll have to sell our kidneys to cover these expenses! Or maybe we can just auction off some of Mrs. Shobha's gold sarees?"

Mrs. Shobha gasped, clutching her saree-clad chest. "Over my diamond-studded dead body! Those sarees are my life!"

Mr Achuthan said " Fine, I am even ready to sell my house for my daughter, that's the love I have for her". He asked Ramesh to arrange a broker to sell the house. 

Ramesh said " lets OLX it will get more than we expect, all for our pride" They continued with their wedding plans with even more luxury with extravagant decorations being ordered and opulent menus being planned, Meera couldn't help but feel a growing sense of unease. One day, amidst the chaos of flower arrangements and menu tastings, she gathered the family together for a serious discussion.

She looked at her parents, her eyes filled with concern, and asked, "Mom, Dad, I appreciate your love and support in planning this grand wedding for me. But have we stopped to think about the consequences? Are we really going to spend all our savings and get into debt just for a single day of celebration?"

Mrs. Shobha's eyes widened, and she protested, "But darling, this is a once-in-a-lifetime event! We must show everyone how successful and prosperous we are." 

Meera took a deep breath and challenged the prevailing mindset. "Mom, I understand your perspective, but isn't it more important to focus on the love and commitment shared between two individuals rather than the grandeur of the event? Are we doing all of this for ourselves or to impress others?"

Uncle Ramesh, who had been listening intently, interjected with a hint of sarcasm, "Well, Meera, if we cancel the fireworks and diamond-studded elephants, how will our neighbors gossip about us for the next decade?"

Meera, undeterred, said "Uncle Ramesh, gossip may bring temporary excitement, but lasting happiness comes from meaningful connections and genuine celebrations. Let's question the concept of a fat wedding and the societal pressures that have influenced us to follow this path."

Meera, approached her father with a heartfelt plea. "Dad, I understand your desire to give me a dream wedding, but all I truly want is to marry the person I love surrounded by our closest family and friends. We don't need an extravagant affair to prove our love. It's the memories we create that matter."

Mr. Achuthan, touched by his daughter's words, realized the error of his ways. He gathered the family together and said, "My dear family, Meera has opened my eyes. We have been chasing a mirage of grandeur, neglecting the true essence of a wedding. Let's prioritize love, laughter, and togetherness over empty extravagance. Meera's happiness is what truly matters."

Uncle Ramesh, initially resistant to the idea, couldn't help but crack a joke. "Well, I guess this means I can cancel the order for the fireworks display and the elephants. I'll have to find another use for all these sparklers and peanuts!"

Laughter filled the room as everyone realized the absurdity of their previous plans. They came together, united in their decision to transform the grand spectacle into an intimate celebration of love. The family embraced simplicity and warmth, focusing on creating genuine, heartfelt memories.

On the day of the wedding, as Meera walked down the aisle, her radiant smile and the joy in her eyes spoke volumes. The intimate gathering of loved ones celebrated with laughter, heartfelt speeches, and a dance floor that knew no bounds.

And so, the Achuthan's family's sarcastic "fat wedding" became a turning point, reminding them and everyone around them that true happiness lies not in material extravagance but in the love and genuine connections we forge. They showed the world that sometimes the greatest humor is found in acknowledging the irony of our own desires and embracing the beauty of simplicity.


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