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Showing posts with the label Warrior of Mithila

The Meek and the Bold: Amish Tripathy’s Sita | Part I

  Sita, the history burnt her in Rama's light, but isn't she more powerful than Rama?  An Analysis of the character of Sita  in Amish Tripathy’s Sita: Warrior of Mithila . Amish Tripathy is a true devotee, a visionary and a scholar, above all a realist who talks about gods and goddesses in the language of mundane realism. His concern is with the interpretation of characters in myths. Amish recreates history on the basis of a liberal progressive ideology. A strong undercurrent of philosophical debate animates his writings. What he does is to recreate history or better, to place myth on the firm ground of history. He does not radically alter the contours of history. Where he departs from the edicts of accepted culture is in the interpretation of the happenings rather than the course of events. Extremely sensitive by temperament he conjures up the ancient scenes in his mind and perceives even delicate nuances. Ram and Sita set out to the forest. According to the myth the c...