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Celebrating Navaratri: A Kaleidoscope of Traditions in India

India, a land of vibrant diversity, is a tapestry of cultures, languages, and traditions. This diversity is perhaps most vividly on display during Navaratri, a Hindu festival celebrated for nine nights and ten days each year. While the core essence of Navaratri remains consistent – the worship of the divine feminine goddess Durga – the ways in which it is celebrated vary greatly across different regions of India. At the heart of Navaratri lies the ancient legend of the battle between goddess Durga and the demon king Mahishasura, symbolizing the triumph of good over evil. This festival serves as a spiritual reminder of the eternal struggle between light and darkness. The nine days of Navaratri are dedicated to the worship of each of the nine distinct avatars of the goddess. The Seasonal Significance Navaratri is not a one-size-fits-all festival. According to the Hindu calendar, there are four seasonal Navaratri celebrations. However, it's the post-monsoon autumn Navaratr